Lemon meringue cheesecake!

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Hello lovelies. First off, I am sorry, as I have been very quiet lately. Life has just gotten on top of me, with juggling work, university and family my blog has been neglected. But that is all about to change. I am going to try my hardest to ensure that I post at least once a week, maybe even twice (but don’t hold me to that!).

Anyway, moving on to why you’re really here; the lemon meringue cheesecake.
So I had a few days off work a really wanted to do some baking and so combined two of my favourites, a lemon meringue pie and cheesecake. I chose this because as it’s reaching summer, (I know, it does not feel like it), it’s time to steer away from the warm pie and custard and step into the light and creamy desserts. So what better than a lemon meringue cheesecake!? It’s got a lovely sharp tang to balance the creamy filling of the cheesecake and will want everyone coming back for more!

Biscuit base
1. Crush the digestives using a rolling pin. This is where you can let all your anger out! Alternatively, whizz them in a food processor.
2. Melt the butter in the microwave then mix into the crush digestives.
3. Place at the bottom of your chosen mould and leave to set.

Cheesecake filling
4. Whilst the biscuit base is setting, mix the mascarpone and cream cheese until combined.
5. Mix in the icing sugar, trying not to get it everywhere!
6.  Stir in the juice from two lemons. At this point, taste the mix to see if you want to add more juice.
7. Place this on top of the biscuit base and pop it back into the fridge

Italian meringue
8. Place the sugar and water in a saucepan with a sugar thermometer
9. Leave to boil until it reaches 121 degrees or hard ball
10. Meanwhile whisk the egg white until it form soft peaks. If you’re feeling brave enough test if it is done by turning the bowl upside down over your head. If it doesn’t fall then it’s done, if it does fall, then I’m sorry!
11. When the sugar has boiled, slowly pour it into the egg constantly whisking.
12. When done, place into a piping bag and decorate the top of the cheesecake how you want! Be creative!
13. Optional. Blowtorch to give colour to the meringue.
14. Tuck in!

I hope you enjoy this and re-create it! If you do I would love to see them so leave comment below!

Happy baking! Love, Ky 


  1. This looks delicious I love love love cheesecake lol


    1. Thanks! You'll defiantly have to make it, so tasty. You have to show me how it goes if you do :)

  2. This recipe sounds delicious, I love cheescake!
    Adding meringue on top sounds perfect :)

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

  3. I have to say I'm not a fan of cheesy cake but that does look amazing! x http://coffeeatmidnight13.blogspot.co.uk/

  4. Lovely post, I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award- http://oliviaredfern.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Thankyou so much that means a lot, just read your blog post about it!

  5. This looks delicious! Thank you so much for the recipe and the wonderful post! xxxxx
